
Belum Ada Judul

well..i dunno wot does it means..hehe
according 2 deste's posting..i think its more like..i havent found wer my interest lead me in.
but i believe,somehow..God will show me dway,we do hv our own path..still, we gotta work our ass out!!but friends..lemme tell u sumthings,or maybe i ask u first..how do we know if we're up 2 sumthing..i mean..how would u believe ur passion n desire u r in is showing the way 2 ur satisfaction?cos i hv no idea wit it..im having fun in making friends...talkin 2 others..or in other words is 2 socialize with people..so wot im gonna do?i wanna know wot exactly i really in to..tell me mates..im still in d middle of nowhere, while u guys hv found ur "start" line 2 begin something real for ur life..that u should proud of it..


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